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Arabic Verb conjugation Table: Past, Present, Future| Learn Arabic Online

Conjugating verbs in Arabic means changing their form based on different factors like past, present, or future actions, and the person or thing doing the action.

How do you Conjugate Verbs in Arabic?

In Arabic, verbs usually start with three main letters. Changing these letters and adding specific endings helps create different verb forms. These changes indicate who's doing the action, when it's happening, and other details.

Arabic Verb Conjugation Table ( To order) طَلَب/يُطْلٌب"

In this Article, I will walk you through the process of conjugating the Arabic verb "طَلَب/يُطْلٌب" which means "To order." I will present an Arabic verb conjugation table for this verb. Additionally, I'll provide you with 20 practical examples to help you understand how to use it in real-life situations. Let's get started!

The Main Principle of Arabic Verb Conjugation 

In the past tense, verbs undergo conjugation by modifying the end of the word. In the present tense, verbs undergo conjugation by altering both the beginning and the end of the word.


Example: To Order: طَلَب/يُطْلٌب

Future Tense

Present Continuous

Simple Present

Basic Present

Past Tense


رَح أُطلُب

عَم أُطلُب





رَح تُطْلُب

عَم تُطْلُب





رَح تُطُلُبي

عَم تُطُلُبي





رَح يُطْلُب

عَم يُطْلُب





رَح تُطْلْب

عَم تُطْلْب





رَح نُطْلُب

عَم نُطْلُب





رَح تُطْلُبوا

عَم تُطْلُبوا





رَح يِطْلُبوا

عَم يِطْلُبوا






Building up Arabic Sentences with The Verb To Order 

Arabic Sentence

English Translation


مُمْكِن أُطْلُب الحِسِاب/الفَاتورة لوسَمَحِت؟لوسمَحتي؟

Can I ask for the bill, please?

Mumkin utlub al-7isab/al-faatura, law sama7it? law sama7ti?

بِدِّي أُطْلُب وَجبِة دَجاج مِشْوي

I want to order a grilled chicken meal.

Beddi utlub wajbat dajaj mashwi.

شو حابب تُطْلُب؟شو حابِّة تُطْلْبي؟شو حابِّين تُطْلُبوا؟

What would you like to order? (for male/female/plural)

Shu 7abeb tultub? Shu 7aabbe tultubi? Shu 7abbiin tultubu?

مُمْكِن أُطْلُب طَلَب مِنَّك/ مِنِّك؟

Can I place an order from you?(for male/female)

Mumkin utlub talab mennak/mennik?

واللّة ما بَعْرِف شو بِدّي أُطْلُب، دجاج ولاَّ لَحْمِة ولاَّ سَمَك

I really don't know what I want to order, chicken, meat, or fish.

Wallah ma ba3ref shu beddi utlub, dajaj wala la7me wala samak.

رح أُطْلُب كِتاب لِتَعليم اللُّغة العَرَبِيِّة ع صَفْحِة الأمازون

I will order a book for learning the Arabic language on Amazon.

Ra7 utlub kitaab li-ta3-liim al-lugha al-3rabiyye 3ala saf-7et al-Amazon.

اللُّغَة العَربية كتير مَطلوبة هدول الأيام، اذا بِدَّك تِشْتغِل بالشَّرق الأَوسَط

Arabic language is in high demand these days, especially if you want to work in the Middle East.

Al-lugha al-3rabiyye katir matlube haduul al-ayam, izha biddak teshtaghel bi a-sharq al-awsat.

هُو طالب جديد بهل مَدْرَسة

He is a new student at this school.

Huwe talib jadid behal madrase.

أنا جُوعان كتير و ما أَكَلِت من الصُّبِح، خَلينا نُطلب شي ع النت؟

I'm very hungry, and I haven't eaten since morning. Let's order something online?

Ana ju-3aan iktiir w ma akalet min al-sube7, khallina nutlub shi 3la a-nnet?

طَلَبت إيدها من أبوها

He asked her hand from her dad( cultural phrase when you to merry someone)

Talabat iidha min abuha.

أنا طالِب لُغَة عَرَبِيِّة و مشان هيك طَلَبِت كل الكُتب المِتعلقة باللَّغة العربية، مشان بدِّي اِحكي عربي مِتل البُلْبٌل

I am an Arabic language student, so I ordered all the books related to the Arabic language because I want to speak Arabic like fluently.

Ana talib lugha arabiyye w mishan heek, talabet kil al-kutub al-muta3alleqa bial-lughaat al-arabiyye, mishan beddi i7kki 3rabi mitel al-bulbul.

هِنِّ طَلَبوا أكل كتير

They ordered a lot of food.

Hinne talabu akal iktiir.

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