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88 Common Levantine Arabic Phrases for Beginners

Introduction to Levantine Arabic Phrases for Beginners

Arabic, with its rich history and cultural significance, is a fascinating language to learn. Whether you're planning a trip to an Arabic-speaking country or simply want to expand your linguistic horizons, mastering some common Arabic phrases can greatly enhance your experience.

In this blog post, we will be sharing 88 essential Levantine Arabic phrases for beginners that will help you communicate effectively in everyday situations. Levantine Arabic is a dialect spoken in countries like Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, and Syria and knowing some key phrases will immerse you deeper into the rich culture of this region. So, let's dive in and learn some Levantine Arabic phrases that will make your language-learning journey easier and more enjoyable.

Why Learn Levantine Arabic Phrases?

Learning Levantine Arabic phrases is an excellent starting point for beginners. Not only does it help you communicate effectively with native speakers, but it also adds a layer of authenticity to your language skills. Here are some key reasons to learn Levantine Arabic phrases:

  •  Effective communication:
    Knowing common phrases allows you to communicate with native speakers and get your point across more easily.
  •  Cultural immersion:
    Understanding and using these phrases will help you better appreciate the culture and traditions of the Levant region.
  •  Build a strong foundation:
    As a beginner, learning these phrases will set the groundwork for more advanced language skills.


Now that we know the importance of learning Levantine Arabic phrases let's move on to the phrases themselves!





mar7aba/ ahleen

مَرْحَبًا/ أَهْلين

Good morning

saba7 al-khayr

صَبَاح الْخَيْر

Good evening

masa' al-khayr

مَسَاء الْخَيْر


ahlan wa sahlan

أَهْلًا وَسَهْلًا

How are you?

shu akhbarak


شُوْ أَخْبَارَك  / شُوْ أَخْبَارِك


How are you?

kayf 7aalak?7aalik?

كَيْف حَالَك؟كَيْف حَالِك؟

Thank God


الْحَمْدُ لله

I'm fine

ana bikhayr

أَنَا بِخَيْر

I'm fine






Thank God


الْحَمْدُ لله

All right




ma3 as-salameh

مَعَ السَّلَامَة

See you later

bshoofak ba3deen

بشوفك بعدين

Bye, let's go

yalla bye

يلا باي

God willing

in sha' Allah

إِنْ شَاءَ الله

Good night

tesba7 '3la khair

تَصْبَح عَلَى خَيْر

You're welcome




min fadlak/fadlik

مِن فَضْلَك/مِن فَضْلِك


law sama7it/sama7ti

لوسمحت/لو سمَحْتي







What's your name?

shu ismak (m)/ shu ismik?(f)

شُو اِسْمَك؟ شُو اِسْمِك

My name is...



Nice to meet you



Where are you from?

min wayn inta/inti?

من وين اِنت/انتي؟

I'm from...

ana min

أَنَا مِن

How old are you?

adish/kam 3umrak

أَديش/ كم عُمْرَك

I'm... years old

ana 3umri

أَنَا عُمْرِي

Where do you live?

wayn saakin

وَيْنَ سَاكِن

I live in...

ana saakin / saakne

أَنَا سَاكِن

What do you do?

shu bitechtaghil/bitechtaghili?

شُوبِتِشْتِغِل/ شو بِتِشْتِغْلي؟

I work as...

ana bishatghil


Do you speak Arabic?

bitihki 3arabi?

بِتِحْكِي عَرَبِي؟

Yes, I speak Arabic

aywa, bi7ki 3arabi

أَيْوَا، بِحَكِّي عَرَبِي

No, I don't speak Arabic

la, ma bi7ki 3arabi

لَأْ، مَا بِحَكِّي عَرَبِي

Can you help me?

feinak tisa3dani

فينَك تِسَاعِدَنِي

Where can I find...?

wayn biqdar laaqi...?

وَيْن بِقَدَرْ لَاقِي...؟

How much does it cost?

adish si3ru

أدِّيش سِعرو

Do you have...?

3andak/ 3andik



I want...



I want to buy...

biddi ashtari...

بَدِّي أَشْتَرِي

I want to drink

biddi ishrib

بدي اِشْرب

I want to order

biddi utlub

بدي أُطْلُب

I want a cup of coffee

biddi finjan qahwa

بِدِّي فنجان قَهْوَة

The bill, please

al-7isab, law sama7it

الحساب لوسَمَحِت

Where is the bathroom?

wayn al-7ammam?

وَيْنَ الْحَمَّام

What do you recommend?

shu bitansahni? (m) shu bitansahiini (f)

شو بِتَنْصَحني؟ شو بِتَنْصَحيني؟

Let's eat/go!

yalla/yalla nakil/yalla nru7

يَلا/ يَلا نَاكِل/ يَلا نروح

How do you pronounce this?

kayf btaqra hada?

كَيْفَ بتَقْرَأ هادا؟

Do you know where I can find this?

bita3rif wayn laqi hada?

بِتْعَرِفْ وَيْن لاقي هَادا؟

Go to the right/left

Ruu7 'ala al-yameen/ruu7 'ala al-yasaar

رُوحْ عَلَى الْيَمِين/ روح على اليسار

Please let me get off here

nazzilni hoon, law sama7it

نزلني هون لوسَمَحت

How can I help you?

kayf bqidr saa3dak?

كَيْفَ بِقْدَر ساعدَك؟

What is this called in Arabic?

shu hada ismuhu bil-3arabi?

شُو هَاِدا اسْمُو بِالْعَرَبِيّ؟

I don't understand

ma bifham

مَا بِفَهْم

I'm happy that you're here

ana mabsuut innak hoon

أَنَا مَبْسُوط إِنِّكَ هُون

Who is this girl?

miin hiya al-bint?

مَنْ هَيَ الْبِنْتَ؟

I am ready

ana jaahiz/ ana jaahze?

أَنَا جَاهِز

I am hungry

ana ju3aan/ ana ju3aane

أَنَا جُوعَان/أَنَا جُوعَانة

I am thirsty

ana 3atshaan/ana 3atshaane

أَنَا عَطْشَان/أَنَا عَطْشَانة

I like this

ana bi7ib hada

أَنَا بِحِبْ هادا








What is this?

shu hada

شُو هَادا

Help me, please

saa-3idni, min fadlak

سَاعِدْنِي، مِنْ فَضْلَك

I am lost

ana dayi3'

أَنَا ضَايِع

What is the name of this place?

shu isim hadi al-makan

شُو اسْمُ هَادِ الْمَكَان

Do you have Wi-Fi?

3andak waifai?

عِنْدَك وَايْفَايْ؟

Excuse me



I am sorry

ana aasif / ana aasife

أَنَا آسِف/أَنَا آسِفة

Thank you very much

shukran ikatir

شُكْرًا كَتِير

I didn't understand

ma fahamt

مَا فَهَمْت

Can you repeat, please?

momken it3iid law samahet?

ممكن تْعيد لوسَمَحِت؟

Can you speak slowly?

momken ti7ki shway shway?

ممكن تِحْكي شوي شوي؟

How do we get to...?

kayf binwasal li

كَيْفَ بِنْوَصَل لـ...

I am tired

ana ta3-baan

أَنَا تَعَبَان

I love you

ana bi7ebbak

أَنَا بِحِبَّك

Where is the restaurant?

wayn al-maT3am

وَيْنَ الْمَطْعَم

I don't have change

ma 3andi ifarata

مَا عِنْدِي فرَاطَة

Wow! Amazing!

ya salaam

يَا سَلَام

I want to go shopping

ana baddi atsawwaq

أَنَا بَدِّي أَتَسَوَّق

I don't know

ma ba3-rif

مَا بَعْرِف

What do you think?

shu ra'yik

شُو رَأْيِك


mabsuut/ mabsuuta


Wishing you good luck

bitmanna-lak 7azz muwaffaq

بِتْمَنَّالَك حَظًّ مُوَفَّق

Where can I find an ATM?

wayn feeni laqi sarraafa?

وين فيني لاقي صَرَّافة؟

How much is the train/bus/plane ticket?

Adish se3er tazkaraat al-qitaar/ al-baas/ al-Tayyara?

اديش سعر تَذكرة القطار/ الباص/ الطيارة؟

I want to book a room.

Biddi u7ajjuz ghirfeh?

بدي اُحْجُز غِرفة؟

Where can I find a taxi?

wayn fiinii la’a-ii taksii?

وين فيني لاقي تكسي ؟


How to Practice Your Arabic Phrases With Native Speakers.

YouTube Tutorials: YouTube is a goldmine of language learning content. Search for Arabic language tutorials and channels that offer free lessons and pronunciation guides. Some recommended channels include “Learn Levantine Arabic" "Learn Arabic with Maha" and "ArabicPod101."

Online Language Exchange Platforms: Connect with language exchange partners on platforms like Tandem, HelloTalk, and ConversationExchange. These platforms allow you to practice your Arabic phrases with native speakers while helping them learn your native language.

Arabic Language Websites: Explore websites like Transparent Language and our golearnarabiconline.com, which provide free & paid Arabic lessons, vocabulary lists, and cultural insights. Take advantage of their interactive exercises and audio resources to improve your language skills.

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