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Learn Arabic Online For Free - Learn more than 100 Arabic Phrases and Vocabulary!

Learn Arabic Online: 

Online learning has become the preferred choice of many students and individuals who want to learn a new language. Arabic is one such language that has become popular in recent years due to its interesting grammar structure, beautiful calligraphy and a rich history.

The good news is that anyone can now learn Arabic online for free.

Learning Arabic online for free can be done in several ways. First and foremost, you should invest in a good Arabic language course. There are many Arabic language courses available online, some of which are free, while others are paid. Additionally, many universities and language institutes offer Arabic language courses, both in the form of online classes and in class instruction. When learning Arabic online for free, it is important to understand the basics of the language.


The best way to do this is to start with the alphabet, or to learn the phonetic sounds of the language. Additionally, there are many websites and apps which provide basic Arabic phrases, such as greetings, words for food and common phrases. Make sure to learn these basics first before advancing to more complex concepts.


Once you have a basic understanding of Arabic, you should move onto the more complex concepts, such as grammar and sentence structure. There are several free online grammar courses available for Arabic, which can help you become familiar with the language’s syntax. Additionally, there are many websites and apps which provide easy-to-follow video lessons for learning Arabic for free. Make sure to watch these free video lessons and listen to Audios and podcasts in order to truly understand the language.


It is also important that you practice speaking the language in order to improve your fluency. A great way to do this is by taking part in online language exchange communities. Here, you can connect with native speakers of the language, who can help you master the language by speaking with you and correcting your mistakes. This can be a great way to practice the language and to become more familiar with native Arabic speakers.


By following the steps outlined in this article and watching free video lessons, listening to Audios and podcasts, and taking part in online language exchange communities, you can easily learn Arabic online for free. Furthermore, by investing in a good Arabic language course or classes, you can truly master the language and increase your fluency. With a little determination and practice, you can learn Arabic quickly and for free.


Learning the Arabic Alphabet:

The First Step to Mastering the Language For those looking to learn the Arabic language, the first step to master is learning and mastering the Arabic alphabet.


The alphabet is an essential part of any language, and the Arabic script is a beautiful and fascinating one. With a little dedication and effort, it is surprisingly straightforward to learn, meaning that anyone can become fluent in the language in no time.


In just an hour, you can learn all you need to know about the Arabic alphabet by watching a free Arabic lesson.


The lesson is broken down into simple steps that are easy to follow and implement. Working through the tutorial will help improve your understanding of the language, and you will begin to recognize the shapes and symbols.


The lesson will also offer helpful tips and advice on how to further master the alphabet. Once you have the basics of the alphabet down, the next step is to practice.


As with any language, the most important way to learn and master any language is to practice regularly. Doing so helps to better understand the language, its pronunciation and its nuances. A variety of resources can help in the process, including books and websites that offer drills and audio lessons to help you become proficient in the language.


Learning the Arabic alphabet is an important first step to mastering the Arabic language. With the right lessons and a little dedication and effort, you will find yourself able to read, write, and speak the language with ease in no time.


So, make sure you watch the free Arabic lesson to the end and apply all the steps for the best results.


The First Video Arabic Lessons : The Arabic Alphabet 


Arabic Online Lesson Number 2 : How To Say Hello In Arabic Language 

In the Arabic language, there are different ways to say hello depending on the context. Generally, when greeting someone in Arabic, you should use the phrase “ahlan wa sahlan,” which essentially means “welcome.”


This phrase is often used between two people who may not know each other too well.

If you want to be a bit more formal, you can use “marhaba,” which literally translates to “hello,” but can also be used to mean “welcome.” You may also hear “salam alaikum” which literally translates to “peace be upon you.”

This phrase is usually used as a greeting and a farewell, and is often used between two people who are familiar with each other.


In more casual contexts, you may use “yalla” which literally translates to “let’s go” but can also be used to mean “hello.” For informal contexts, you may use “sabah al khair,” which literally translates to “good morning” but is often used as a greeting for any time of day.


No matter the context, it's important to remember that when you greet someone in Arabic, you are paying respect to the person that you're talking to. Being polite when greeting someone demonstrates good manners and respect.


So next time you meet a native speaker, try to greet them with one of these phrases. If you want to learn more about the Arabic language, consider taking a language course or attending a local meetup group. 


Here is a free Video Arabic lessons how to say Hello In Arabic, please make sure to watch it to the end 



Arabic Online Lesson Number 3 : How To say Good Morning in Arabic Language 

Good morning is one of the many common phrases used in everyday conversation. In the Arabic language, there are several ways of saying the phrase. In this article, we'll explore the different ways to greet someone with a good morning in Arabic.


The most common way of saying "Good Morning" in Arabic is with the phrase "Sabah el-Kheir." Alternatively, you may also use the phrase "Sabah an-No'm." Both phrases are roughly translated to "morning of goodness," making them great greetings for your morning conversations.


However, depending on the region, you may hear different variations of these phrases. For instance, in the Levantine region of the Middle East, you may hear "Sabah el-No'r" instead of "Sabah el-Kheir." Additionally, the phrase "Sabah el-Soûr" can be used instead, which means "the dawn of the sun." In some regions of the Arab world, people may just use the phrase "Sabah," which is the Arabic word for morning, in lieu of the full greeting. For example, people in the Gulf region may simply say "Sabah" without any other words.


It's important to also note that if you're speaking to two people, you would use the plural form of the phrase, which would be "Sabah el-Kheireyya" or “Sabah an-Noor." No matter what form of the phrase you use, "Good Morning" is essential in connecting with others in the Arabic language.


Using the proper phrase allows you to greet someone in the way that is most appropriate for the region you are in. Additionally, with a few variations of the phrase available at your disposal, you can now feel confident in your conversational Arabic abilities.

Watch this Free Arabic Video Lesson to learn how to say Good morning perfect 👌 



Arabic Online Lesson Number 4 : How to Say I am like In Arabic 



Learning how to say “I like” in the Arabic language can help you express your feelings and be better able to communicate with others. Knowing the words for “I like” can also encourage you to continue learning more about the fascinating and complex language of Arabic. The most common way to express the phrase “I like” in Arabic is أُحبّ, pronounced “(u)habb”.


This phrase is used to express admiration or appreciation for something or someone. There are also other ways to express the phrase “I like” in Arabic. If you want to express an intense level of liking, you can say أحبّ جدا, pronounced “(u)habba jiddan.” This phrase translates to “I like very much” and is used to express strong feelings for something or someone.


You may also want to use the phrase أحبّ للغاية to say “I like a lot.” This phrase translates to “I like to an extreme degree” and is used to express even stronger feelings of admiration or appreciation. Finally, a more informal way to express “I like” in Arabic is أحبب which is pronounced “([a]habb.”


This phrase is commonly used between friends and family and conveys a feeling of fondness or affection.


Now that you know how to say “I like” in the Arabic language, you can start confidently expressing your admiration and appreciation for the simple things in life. Whether you’re trying to make new friends or simply want to express yourself, learning how to say “I like” in Arabic is a great way to start.


If you want to express your admiration for the culture and language of the Arabic-speaking world, one of the best ways is to say “I like the Arabic language” in Arabic.


This friendly phrase conveys not only appreciation, but also respect and recognition of the language that unites millions of people throughout the Middle East and North Africa. Speaking in Arabic is not only a sign of politeness and respect, but also a way to show that you honor the people who are native to the language. Even the simplest of phrases, like “I like the Arabic language”, can be a powerful way to make a friendly connection with someone.


Whether you want to start a conversation with a friendly stranger or make a friend among the Arab-speaking community, learning to say “I like the Arabic language” in Arabic is an important first step. Fortunately, it’s a relatively simple phrase to learn and use.


To say “I like the Arabic language” in Arabic, you’d use the phrase “ana aheb al-lugha al-‘arabiyya”. When speaking in Arabic, it’s crucial to remember to show the same admiration and respect for Arabic culture as you would any other language. Arabs have a strong sense of pride in their language and culture, which can be seen in their attention to detail, passion for storytelling, and appreciation for the simple things in life.


Saying “I like the Arabic language” is a great way to show your admiration for the language and culture that ties Arab-speaking countries together. The Arabic language is a beautiful gift to the world that carries within it the cultures and heritages of multiple nations and peoples.


Therefore, when you say “I like the Arabic language”, it is not only a simple expression of admiration, but also a recognition of the great value the language has in the Arab world. Arabic is a language steeped in history, filled with unique expressions that have been passed down from generation to generation.


It is also a language that is ever-evolving as it continues to interact with other languages and cultures. In this way, the Arabic language is constantly developing and adapting to changing times, while also holding strong to its traditional roots. This is perhaps why so many people feel a sense of appreciation for the Arabic language.


Apart from the historical value of Arabic, there is also the beauty of the language itself to be appreciated. Its poetic words and sentences depict a sense of wonder and appreciation for the simple things in life.


By saying “I like the Arabic language”, you are expressing your admiration for the richness and versatility of the language and its ability to bring joy to its speakers.


It is also important to remember that, when you say “I like the Arabic language”, you are expressing an appreciation for the diverse cultures and people that the language binds together.


It is a way to show your respect for the different languages and cultures of the Arab world while promoting cross-cultural understanding and peace. By saying “I like the Arabic language”, you are expressing more than just a fondness for the language.


You are also showing your appreciation for the rich and varied cultures of the Arab world and the unique beauty of the language itself.


With this simple expression, you can not only express your admiration for the language and its culture, but also promote cross-cultural understanding, peace, and appreciation for the simple things in life.


Arabic Online Lesson Number 5 : How to Say I drink In Arabic Language 

 Please watch the Arabic lesson to the end to learn! 



Learning a new language can be a thrilling experience and learning to say “I drink” in the Arabic language is no exception.


Knowing how to express yourself in a new language will open many doors, both culturally and socially. Speaking Arabic can help you to better understand the rich culture that the language embodies.


In Arabic, the equivalent of “I drink” is “ana ishrb”. This phrase is derived from two words. The first word is “ana” which means “I” and the second word is “shurb” which translates to “drinking”.


This phrase is often used when someone is referring to the consumption of any kind of beverage, whether alcoholic or not.


In addition to saying this phrase, it is also important to pronounce it correctly. The emphasis in this phrase falls on the second syllable, the “ru” sound. It is important to articulate this sound clearly and accurately as it can drastically change the meaning of the phrase. Learning how to say “I drink” in the Arabic language can be a very rewarding experience.


It can open up conversations with locals and provide an opportunity to learn more about their culture and language.


Whether you are visiting, moving to an Arabic-speaking country, or simply want to learn more about the culture, learning this phrase is an excellent starting point.

Plus, it’s always fun to explore new languages and expand your knowledge! If you’re looking to learn more about the Arabic language and culture, then learning to say ‘I drink’ in Arabic is a great place to start! This simple phrase can open up the doors to further conversation and exploration of the language and culture. In Arabic, the phrase ‘I drink’ is ‘أشرب’ ( Ashrab).



This phrase is commonly used in any Arabic-speaking country as a way to politely accept a beverage. It is also used to politely decline a beverage or food. Despite its simple nature, learning to say ‘I drink’ in Arabic is an important part of becoming familiar with the language.


Whether you are visiting an Arabic-speaking country or just want to learn more about the culture, this phrase is a great starting point. Not only will it help you communicate better but it will also help you further explore the language and its related culture.


Learning to say ‘I drink’ in Arabic can also be a lot of fun. It can be a great way to practice your pronunciation with a native speaker and to learn more about the language in a safe and enjoyable way.


So, if you’re looking to expand your language skills and explore the Arabic language and culture, learning to say ‘I drink’ in Arabic is an excellent place to start.


This simple phrase will open up the door to further conversation and learning, and it’s always a great feeling to become more familiar with a new language! Learning a new language can be a challenging but ultimately rewarding experience.

Once you’ve mastered “I drink” in Arabic, there are plenty of opportunities to practice it. It can help to converse with native Arabic speakers in order to get comfortable with the language and the phrase itself. There are also numerous online resources, such as apps, courses, and tutorials, which can be used to build confidence and competency in the language. Overall, learning to say “I drink” in Arabic is an excellent place to start when it comes to learning this ancient language.


Once mastered, it will give you the confidence to keep learning and to explore further conversations in Arabic. In no time, you’ll be adept at understanding, speaking, and enjoying the nuances of the language.


Arabic Online Lessons Number 6 : How to say My love in Arabic Language 



The Arabic language has long been a language of love and romance, so it makes perfect sense to want to express your love in the language of the ancient desert. Whether you’re on your honeymoon, celebrating an anniversary, or just expressing your love on an ordinary day, here are a few words and phrases that will help you show your love in Arabic.


The most common phrase for “I love you” in Arabic is “ana bahebak” (أَنَا بَحَبَّكَ). It literally means “I love you” in Arabic.

This phrase can be used for either a male or female. Another phrase for “I love you” in Arabic is “ana ala hubak” (أَنَا عَلَى حُبُكَ). This also means “I love you” in Arabic and can be used to express your feelings to either a male or a female. The phrase “habibi” (هَبِيبِي) is another term of endearment in Arabic. It can mean “my love” or “darling” when addressing a male. For a female, the phrase “habibti” (هَبِيبِتِي) can be used.


When addressing a romantic partner, you can use the phrase “habibi/habibti inta” (هَبِيبِي/هَبِيبِتِي إِنْتَ), which means “my love, you.” This phrase can also be used as an expression of love when addressing a person you are in a romantic relationship with. When expressing your love in Arabic, it is also important to keep in mind the culture of the language. For example, some terms of endearment, such as “habibi/habibti” can be seen as more informal and should only be used with close friends or family members.


Similarly, physical affection is less common in some Arabic cultures, so it is important to keep that in mind when expressing your love. No matter how you choose to express your love in Arabic, these words and phrases can help you show your love in a beautiful and meaningful way. Whether you’re on a romantic holiday abroad or simply looking for a way to communicate your affections on an ordinary day, these words and phrases can help you convey your love in the language of the ancient desert. When it comes to expressing your love in the language of the ancient desert, Arabic is a beautiful and poetic language filled with many romantic words and phrases. Whether you’re on a romantic holiday abroad or simply looking for a way to communicate your affections on an ordinary day, these words and phrases can help you convey your love in the language of the ancient desert.


One of the most common and simple ways of expressing your love in Arabic is “ani habibi” which is “I love you”. This is a phrase that has been used for centuries in Arabic and is easily said with a smile. Another less direct phrase is “hawa habibi” which means “I'm crazy about you” and is just as sweet, if not more so.


If you’re looking for a way to express your deep and passionate love for someone, there are also many expressions in Arabic for that. “Ohibbuka” is one phrase that means “I love you deeply” and is often said with a big smile and arms opened wide. “Ana behibak” is an expression that means “I love you a lot” and is usually said with a gentle embrace or kiss. For the ultimate in romantic expressions, “albi ma'ak” is one of the most beautiful declarations of love in Arabic.


This translates to “my heart is with you” and is often accompanied by a heartfelt hug or kiss. Any of these romantic phrases in Arabic can help you convey your affections to someone special, no matter where you are in the world. Whether you’re on holiday in a desert oasis or just want to make someone feel special on a regular day, the ancient language of Arabic can help you express your love. So the next time you’re looking to communicate your heartfelt emotions to someone special, you can take solace knowing that the expression of your love is just a few words away. Love transcends language, culture, and time. It speaks to journeys of the heart and is one of life’s essential components.


Expressing your love in the Arabic language can be both romantic and meaningful. With its intricate linguistic structure, words, and phrases, the Arabic language offers a unique means of conveying one’s deepest, most profound emotions. Arabic is a language that is spoken by millions of people throughout the world.


In an attempt to bridge cultural gaps and bridge differences, learning to say “I love you” in the diverse language is an important step towards understanding and respecting another culture. And so, the next time you’re looking to communicate your heartfelt emotions to someone special, you can take solace knowing that the expression of your love is just a few words away. “Ana bahebak” is the most common way of saying “I love you” in Arabic.


It is the equivalent of the English phrase “I love you,” but with a much more intimate connotation. This phrase is commonly used among people in romantic relationships, however, it can also be used in more platonic contexts — for example, expressing love for family, friends, and pets. In more formal contexts, the phrase used to express love is “Hubbuka,” which translates to “I love you” in a respectful and dignified way. This phrase is more common in Middle Eastern cultures as well as in countries such as Egypt and Lebanon, where politeness and respect are held in high regard. The Arabic language has many other expressions of affection and love.


To say “I love you very much,” one can say the phrase “Ana bahebak akthar men al hub.” This phrase is usually used among people who are very close — expressing passionate and strong feelings of love.

In addition to the phrase “I love you,” one can also express a more general feeling of affection in Arabic by saying “Ana ohibbok,” which translates to “I like you.” This phrase is commonly used in a number of contexts, such as expressing feelings of care, tenderness, and admiration for someone special.


Finally, another way to express love in the Arabic language is to say “Ahebbik,” which means “I adore you.” This phrase can be used to express someone’s highest level of devotion and respect, conveying a message of unconditional acceptance and understanding. Love speaks to us in different ways and languages. Expressing your love in the Arabic language is one way to reach the depths of another’s heart. With the right phrase and intonation, you can be sure to convey your feelings in a way that will make someone feel cherished and loved. So the next time you’re looking to communicate your heartfelt emotions to someone special, you can take solace knowing that the expression of your love is just a few words away.


Arabic online lesson number 7 : Learn more that 20 most used Arabic words and Arabic verbs

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