Learning the language of Levantine Arabic can seem challenging, but mastering the basics can help unlock a whole new level of understanding when conversing with locals in this region. Whether it is learning useful phrases or mastering verb conjugation, understanding the language provides a greater understanding of the culture and region. Make sure to practice these phrases and verbs regularly in order to become comfortable with the language.
سَاوَى / يْسَاوي |
To do |
شُو سَاويت إِمْبَارِح بَعِد الشِّغِل. |
What did you (m) do yesterday after work? |
سَاويت حَفلِه يُوم الخَمِيس المَاضي. |
I had a party last Thursday. |
سَاويَنا كِلْ الوَظايِف. |
We did all the homework. |
بِدَّا تْسَاوِي عِيد مِيلادَا بِـ هَادَا المَطْعَ. |
She wants to celebrate her birthday in this restaurant. |
شُو بِدَّك تْسَاوي يُوم الجُمْعَه؟ |
What do you want to do on Friday? |
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